University of Nebraska-Lincoln a Soria

Programma di Study Abroad della University of Nebraska at Lincoln (UNL)
Nel 2015 l’University of Nebraska at Lincoln inaugurò il suo programma di Study Abroad a Soria. É un programma intensivo di 7 settimane con cursi di lingua, cultura e traduzione. Il programma è arricchito con gite alle principali città spagnole, con itinerari nella provincia di Soria, attività culturali legate alle feste tradizionali, la gastronomia, l’arte, la storia e, infine, l’attività più importante del programma sono le attività dello Spagnolo nella comunità e nel volontariato. Gli alunni ottengono 9 crediti della loro università d’origine.
I direttori del programma sono:
Dr. Oscar Pereira-Zazo
1217 Oldfather Hall
(402) 472-3832
Dr. Lola Lorenzo
1218 Oldfather Hall
(402) 472-3745
I cursi che si sono impartiti nel 2015 e nel 2016:
SPAN 300
Advanced Writing and Reading for Comprehension
Credit Hours: 6
Introduction to literary texts and to the practice of reading for comprehension and interpretation. Students write short summaries of texts selected from Spanish and Spanish-American literary works. Also, the course develops writing skills by concentrating on techniques for writing term papers, such as organizing ideas, structuring arguments and conducting bibliographic searches.
SPAN 305 *Required for all participants and taught by a UNL faculty member from the Spanish Section.
The Analysis of Communication in Spanish
Credit Hours: 3
Analysis of oral, written and visual genres. Evaluation of contexts, regularities, conventions and forms. Acquisition of critical skills in the identification of basic ideological and formalistic issues within the genres being studied.
SPAN 317
Introduction to Linguistics
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to linguistic analysis as pertinent to the description and explanation of Spanish grammatical structure. Both theoretical and practical.
SPAN 341
Translating Hispanic Culture
Credit Hours: 3
Cultural and linguistic adaptation of products such as movies, comics, songs, poetry, narrative, essays, etc. Particular emphasis will be put on developing literacy on software and digital tools.
SPAN 432 (or 321)
Spanish Speaking Proficiency
Credit Hours: 3
Intensive advanced course in oral communication to gain proficiency in speaking Spanish through practice, creative construction of sentences, vocabulary building, and practical review of grammar and pronunciation.
Caratteristiche del corso
- Durata 7 semanas
- Livello Intermedio y avanzado
- N. alunni 20
- Materiali si
- Alloggio si
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